Friday, October 10, 2008

I've been tagged! Yeah!

This might sound kinda funny, but I was happy to be tagged! Why?!? I'll tell you! Since this is my journal I think it's a great way to remember all the little things that happen everyday without having to tell a big long story. So... thanks Candice! Really!

8 Things....

8 TV shows I like to watch
1. Grey's Anatomy
(just about any show)
That is really all I watch 99% of the time. Most all the time it's either on Disney channel (and it's true, I find myself sucked in to Hannah Montana) or Glen Beck, Hannity & Colmes, or lately the stock market channel) courtesy of Morgan.
3. Flip that House
4. Biggest Loser
5. Fox 13 News
6. American Idol
7. Oprah & Dr. Phil
8. CSI

8 Things that happened yesterday
1. Ran errands with my Mom ( Thursday)
2. Bought Sleeping Beauty only to open it and discover it was empty (No DVD)
3. Did hair (of coarse) It turned out so cute! Love it!
4. Ate Mexican food for lunch & dinner! Yummy, my favorite!
5. Spin Class (it's a good thing cuz Mexican food is not light on the calories)
6. Spent $211.00 at Costco.
7. Bought Dax his first baby food (squash, sweet potatoes, & applesauce)
8. Got my washer fixed (only cost me $131.00 to fish out a few quarters that were stuck in the pump) Thank goodness it was not the motor!

8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Any Mexican Food
(well almost any)
2. Texas Road House
3. Tepanyaki
4. The Trolley
(Art City Special)
5. Guru's
6. PF Chang's
7. Brick Oven & Olive Garden
8. Ruth's Chris

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
1. A trip with my Husband
(hopefully Mexico)
2. Scrapbooking
3. Morgan feeling better
4. January 1st, 2009
(Morgan's New Job)
5. Eating at Texas Road House, Tomorrow!
6. Watching High School Musical 3 with Avorie
(laugh all you want)
7. A time when I don't have to clean up after everyone
(but I know I'll miss it)
8. When our backyard is done & not so WT!

8 Things on my Wish List
1. A new ipod
(since I've now ruined two of them & I'm dying without it)
2. A Big Ol' Shopping Trip
(You know, where I can buy whatever I want)
3. For my kids to listen the first time they are told. That would be nice!
4. A clean house for longer than an hour!
5. A healthy husband!
(I wish they could fix him!)
6. My kids to grow up in an easier world
(like it was when we were kids)
7. A vacation home!
8. Every one to be positive!

8 people I Tag
1. Danyette
2. Misty
3. Cassie
4. Sarah
5. Ellen
6. Shelley
7. Shantelle
8. Heidi

1 comment:

The Cronquists' said...

hey i created a blog it is still trying to figure it all out but i love your page, your presonality shines and the world needs more people like you then it would be a better place. what new job for morgan