Saturday, September 27, 2008

Memory Lane

Today as I was washing my hair (I know, my once a week ritual) I caught a whiff of a smell that took me back to my childhood. I'm not sure what smell or exactly why, all I know is I found myself down at Grandma Molyneaux's house remembering all my favorite things about visiting my Grandma & Grandpa, and since this is my journal I just wanted to jot down a few of my thoughts. Both Grandma and Grandpa died a few years ago within 6 months of each other. It was a hard time for my mom, but maybe remembering some memories and writing them down will help keep them alive in us.

My Top 10 Memories of Grandma's House (in no particular order)

1. Nacho Dorito Chips & closet full of Pepsi
2. Singing & Dancing our hearts out to Grandma's big stereo
3. Swimming in the ditch out front
4. Going down to the store to buy penny candy
5. Grandma sewing, especially pajamas
6. Our annual Christmas Eve party. My Mom has kept the tradition going. Thanks Mom!
7. Grandpa's farm truck and little tractor
8. KETCHUP on everything (Yuck!) Yes, even pancakes!
9. Cousins. There was always someone to play with! I miss you!
10. Lunch Bunch at the park

Thanks for all the memories! That is only the beginning, I can only hope my kids will be as lucky as we are. They have wonderful Grandparents so I'm sure they have already begun to create those images and smells in their little minds that they will never forget!

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